Mapout·guides is an idea by Aritz González. I am an architect, and years ago, I started documenting architecture on my Instagram profile Over time, the volume of information and archive has grown so much that another platform was needed to make the information accessible and organized. At the same time, the number of people consulting us to plan their trips has increased.
The combination of these two needs and the willingness to share the knowledge acquired over the years is MAPOUT·GUIDES.
We revisited the concept of a guide, utilizing all the resources available in our time to develop a unique product that facilitates both visits and the study of architectural works.
Download detailed instructions [here].
The guides are developed on Google Maps and are categorized into four levels: Light strolls, selections, architect monographs, and stories of specific buildings. Each work has a profile that links to available online information: Guides, original publications, architect files, theses, or videos. Click to see a sample.
The guides primarily focus on Spanish architecture from the second half of the 20th century, although they encompass other fields of our interest.
Sponsors have access to exclusive content. It’s necessary to have a Gmail account. If you need to create one, click here.
The guides can be accessed on both fixed and mobile devices and work best in the Google environment.
To grant access to patron-only maps, we will register your email in the system. The maximum waiting time is 12 hours. If you require immediate access, please send us a message.
Payments & Subscriptions:
The website is conceived as a dynamic archive of plans/guides and documentation. This archive will expand with the support of subscribers and donations. If you have found the archive useful, any contribution is greatly appreciated.